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Page Builder Content

Create Amazing Websites Fast as Lightning and Extremely Easy to Manage.

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Extended Options

Xinity has a whole new range of radical features that will improve your workflow many folds.

RAD Builder

RAD Builder takes editing to a new level. Create amazing pages with complete control.

Header Constructor

We’ve build a amazing drag and drop builder that allows you to create virtually any top layout

Font Face Support

We have integrated font face, you can effortlessly use font face without touching any code.
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Services section

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos hac habitasse platea dictumst

Latest work

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos hac habitasse platea dictumst

Showing 10 portfolio items.

Fusce sit amet mauris non velit porta lacinia eget in velit auris egestas elit ac tempor facilisis.

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Top Notch Support

Lid est laborum dolorum fugats sit et harums ser quidesi rerum facilis dolores nemis unsers sadips un.

WPML Compatible

Lid est laborum dolorum fugats sit et harums ser quidesi rerum facilis dolores nemis unsers sadips un.

Woocommerce ready

Lid est laborum dolorum fugats sit et harums ser quidesi rerum facilis dolores nemis unsers sadips un.

Fast as lightning

Lid est laborum dolorum fugats sit et harums ser quidesi rerum facilis dolores nemis unsers sadips un.

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Gallery section

Add a nice gallery to your homepage, easy to manage and even easier to set up.
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Latest News

Have a look at our latest news to find out what’s going on here at our company

Showing 3 post items in 3-col format.

Features section

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos hac habitasse platea dictumst

Smart search

Search elements inside the admin panel in a snap, a never seen before feature and one of a kind.

Personal branding

Add your own personal touch to the admin area and brand it to your company or to your clients needs.

Shortcode builder

Introducing our shortcode builder Archon, one of it’s kind shortcdoe builder. it automatically shows all available options for the shortcode.

Quick tour

Xinity has a nifty feature for this massively featured rich theme and it’s called Quick feature tour which will guide you through the theme.

SEO Optimized

Built with SEO in mind

Compatible with Yoast SEO plugin, Supports micro formats, Inbuilt SEO theme and it follows best coding practices.

Flexi templates

Change portfolio type on the fly

With our Flexi template system you can name portfolio post types to anything you want and you don’t have to touch any code.

Enigma styler

Live styling on the go

Live styling, save revisions, import and export styles, margin and padding corrections inside all elements and 10 predefined styles

Portfolio filters

Filter till you drop

With portfolio filters your able to show any type of portfolio posts and control almost all settings of the portfolio template


Create awesome mobile experiences

Our responsive framework provides the best experience on both desktop and mobile devices

Header constructor

Drag & Drop header area builder

Multiple components, multiple layout areas, WPML selector and yes your able to select this option for each page separately